Mob Statistics
Release date Unknown edit
Test date Unknown edit
Type Gender Level XP
Unknown edit Male Unknown edit
HPs MVs Dmg
Unknown N/A
Height Weight BMI
?69 in >160 lbs Unknown
Aggro Unknown edit


A dust covered coachman is a humanoid? mob found in various coach locations around the world.


"A dust covered coachman stands here, waiting for passengers.

This wiry man looks strong enough to handle the coach's team of horses. His graying hair is tied at the nape of the neck by a braided strand of leather. His oilskin coat protects him from the elements, while his weathered face regards you with professional reserve."

Keywords: coachman, male, man


No zones are known to currently load this mob.



Input Response

A dust covered coachman pokes you in the ribs.
A dust covered coachman says 'I can give you a ride out of here. Just say "please take me to Caemlyn" to get started, <name>.'
A dust covered coachman says 'Also, if you rolled poor stats and you just want to start playing the game with a decent character,'
A dust covered coachman says 'use the following command: tell guardian prerolledstats.'
A dust covered coachman says 'It only works for human hunters, rogues and warriors, since those are the easiest to start on.'

You say 'please take me to caemlyn'

A dust covered coachman says 'Before I put you on my coach, I want you to understand this is a one way trip for you. And I want to be sure you understand all the rules of the land as we've explained them to you here. Are you sure you want to go?'
A dust covered coachman says 'Answer me YES I AM SURE if you want to go.'

You say 'yes i am sure' A dust covered coachman says 'Very well, get in then, we'll be leaving shortly.'


See also[]
