Item Statistics
Release date Unknown edit
Test date Unknown edit
Type Key
Slot Unknown edit
Uses Unknown edit
Weight 3.0 lbs
Rent No-rent
Value Unknown edit
Special Nothing


A heavy iron key is a no-rent key which opens the at least 2 known doors.

The <doorname> within the complex in which Murgoz Karnia resides. It loads on a smuggler chief found with a patrol earlier inside the complex.

The "irondoor" within the complex in which Magita the Mercenary Queen resides. It loads on a patrol of mercenary bandits at "The Great Hall".


A heavy iron key on a ring lies here.

Keywords: heavy, iron, key



Zone Room Qty. Notes

No zones are known to currently load this item.


No shops are known to currently load this item.


Mob Rarity
A mercenary bandit 1/6
A smuggler chief 2/4


KeyTemplate:Infobox item dpl2.default • a copper key • a pewter key • a well-worn ornate key • a key carved with a grinning fox • an old metal key • a key of intricate design • a small metal key • a rusted key • a heavy iron key • a simple key • a rusty key • a strange white key • a wooden key with bronze inlay • a slimy green key • a key of clear crystal • a Cairhien gatekey • a delicate key of oak • a dull black key • a hooked claw • a jail key • a key to the Ruined Keep • a key with gold inlay • a massive iron key • a plain black key • a rusty metal key • a skull key • a skull-shaped key of rusted iron • a small key decorated in jewels • a tarnished silver key • an elaborate key worked in vivid colors • an iron key • the key to Caemlyn's gates • the Falme gatekey • the gatekey to Fal Dara • the key to the gates of Tar Valon • a rusted key carved with a crane in flight • a sturdy black key • a black and gold key • a black iron key • a black key engraved with a whip • a bloodstained key • a delicately carved ivory key • a great key inlaid with gold • a grimy key • a key of black obsidian • a golden key • a key whittled from oak • a large key • a mosaic key • a stone key etched with runes • a tarnished red metal key • a tiny silver key • a vine carved wooden key • an ethereal key • a shining golden key • the Illian gate key • Meneril's key • a tarnished copper key • a plain old key • an elegantly carved key • a rusty skeleton key • the gatekey of Baerlon • the key to Maradon • a large iron key • a gilt inlaid key • a black and white key • a plain copper key • the key to Amador's city gates • an intricately designed oak key • a vine-covered key • a slime covered key • a large wood and metal key • a steel key • a dull rusted key • a large cast iron key • a dusty key • a key of Thakan'dar steel
