Mob Statistics
Release date Unknown edit
Test date Unknown edit
Type Gender Level XP
Humanoid Unknown edit 85
HPs MVs Dmg
935 - 951 N/A
Height Weight BMI
Unknown edit Unknown edit Unknown
Aggro Unknown edit
Weaves Fireball
Special Smob


Salan Mondoran is a humanoid smob found on the Isle of Mad Men.


"Salan Mondoran stands here, radiating power and anger.

This man seems cleaner than the rest of the inhabitants of this wretched place. He is tall, and muscular, and moves and speaks with confidence and a quiet assurance of his own power. Yet a nervous tic indicates that something is troubling him. Perhaps it is your presence, or just the fact you continue to breathe in his presence."

Keywords: salan, ?


Zone Room Qty. Notes
Isle of Madmen South Pools of Glass 1


A recent modification to the Isle of Mad Men has resulted in Salan being the culminating smob of IoMM and a possible source of rare weapons and artifacts. Salan is found at Pools of Glass. Access is gained by the proper placement of the crystals acquired from the prior mobs. Once Salan's area is entered there is no exit except through killing him or dying. Salan channels fireballs and status weaves. He disengages and disappears during the fight with masses of shadow and apparitions appearing during those phases.


Item Slot Rarity

See also[]
