

The Golden Tree is an ocean ship which can be found in Tanchico (Water's Edge on the Calpene) and used for ocean sailing if you have and wear A brightly-plumed captain's hat.

Embark/Disembark room[]

Aboard the Golden Tree
A faded impression of a golden tree can be seen on the closed shutters that
close off a hatch that leads to the bowels of the ship. A ripped and filthy
tarpaulin covers the hatch that leads to the hold. Some barrels that have
been tied to the mast shift and rumble with every motion the ship makes.
[ obvious exits: E W ]

Stern (sailing) room[]

At the Stern of the Golden Tree
This is a rather small ship, with only one mast that has a slanting boom
attached to it. A triangular sail hangs down from the boom, the straight
bottom of the sail running parallel with the deck. A rudder with a tiller
sticks out onto the back deck, the once colorful beam now faded and with
paint flaking off it. Unruly coils of rope are everywhere. A weather worn
ships log lies open nearby, its pages flapping in the breeze.
[ obvious exits: E ]


At the Bow of the Golden Tree
Paint peels from the formerly colorful bowsprit, revealing the bare wood
underneath. A rusty anchor has been propped up against one of the railings
that surround the deck, flakes of rust falling down onto the deck. Some
crates have been stacked onto the deck, held into place by a pair of
fraying ropes. Two sweeps have been tied to the railing of the vessel.
[ obvious exits: W ]