Shop Info
Release date Unknown edit
Type Weapon
Location Far Madding
Proprietor a weaponsmith
Hours 7 am - 12 pm, 1 pm - 9 pm
Sell Rate 1.2x
Buy Rate Unknown edit
Special Unknown edit

The Razor's Edge Weaponsmith is a Weapon shop located in Far Madding.


Item Cost Notes
a bent hunting spear 3 coppers
a blackwood quarterstaff 60 coppers
a hooked spear 48 coppers
a leather capped hemlock staff 122 coppers
a long shoulder spear 60 coppers
a walking staff 42 coppers
a winged spear with silver etching 72 coppers
an ironshod staff of oak 240 coppers

Warning: Default sort key "razor's edge weaponsmith, the" overrides earlier default sort key "razor's edge weaponsmith, the".
