Transportation includes all of the varied means of getting around the world in WoTMUD.
The simplest method of transportation, players can walk between rooms at a speed of 1 room per pulse. Players expend Movement points when walking, at a rate which depends on the terrain type along with their level of Survival practiced.
- Main article: Horse
Humans, Seanchan, and the Remort classes/races of Myrddraal and Dreadlords are able to ride Horses, eliminating or reducing the movement cost, depending on terrain (and possibly survival and/or ride level?).
Pay Services[]
- Main article: Coach
Human players can choose to ride Coaches between certain cities, for a fee. Only one player at a time can use a given coach route, and horses cannot be brought along. Once on board, no further action is needed, with the coach automatically traveling its route within a (fixed /variable?) amount of time.
Sea Folk Rakers[]
Other Pay Ships[]
River and Ocean Ships[]
River Ships[]
Ocean Ships[]
Travel Weave[]
Gate Weave[]
Portal Stones[]
The Ways[]
- Main article: The Ways
Black Flame[]
Transportation |