This official news post is copied verbatim from the WoTMUD website. It is copyrighted by
Master Derth eyed his customers skeptically but listened to the soft whispers and giggles of the women and young girls none the less. He always had a sharp eye for profit and the way they were going on he would have to check out this new woodcarver.
Annoying though it was to see the women all a flutter and mooning over the mention of the new woodcarver the other side of the Wall it was a pleasure to be gifted with one of his finely carved treasures. But honestly, Altaran women should have more level heads! Or so the men thought.
The farmers and their wives, those in the area anyway didn't really know what to make of him. He was genial, didn't ask for handouts and apparently worked hard at his craft. He seemed to appear out of thin air but was given lodging at one farm in return for his help at harvest time. Beosyl the Woodcarver was welcome in his new home.