
This official news post is copied verbatim from the WoTMUD website. It is copyrighted by wotmud.org.

This update was added on August 21 2017 by Voices of the Wheel.

Across the nations there were hushed noises as the rumors spread.

Two remained as Ceyenne took the first out of the corpse of a tall thief.

One remained as Rig scalped the bloody corpse and took the second out.

Smoke filled the tunnels as the bandits chuckled at their good fortune. They would remain unseen. Gorthel cackled--he had avoided detection and survived.

As night fell he passed it along to those within his network. It would remain in the hands of brigands and mercenaries long before it was taken.

A Badly Damaged Span
The ancient structures have been weakened in may places, and unfortunately,
this was one which was unable to again bear the weight of a traveller. As
the thin stone crumbles like eggshells underfoot, eternal darkness and a fall
that never ends are all that remain of this mortal life.
[ obvious exits: ]
The corpse of Rig is lying here.
Whispering and rushing with sinister songs, the black wind approaches.

Another unique fell from the hands of Machin Shin through a tree carveddoor and found its ways into the hands of another brigand.

Two remain again.
