
This official news post is copied verbatim from the WoTMUD website. It is copyrighted by wotmud.org.

This update was added on August 24 2006 by Vivienne.

Over the past six to eight weeks I have come across common problems in several clans, which I believe may be due to newly-inducted Council members not understanding instructions as to what limitations they have for awarding quest points. Please read these carefully and understand them.

  • The maximum number of qps you may award or deduct is three (3). Awarding 3 qps should be for outstanding above and beyond the call of duty items or actions. A qp award of one (1) would be for light things such as "get me a shrubbery"; a qp award of two (2) would be for medium-difficulty things such as really great, consistent roleplay or a three-part quest; a qp award of three (3) might be appropriate for a multi-faceted quest or long, time-consuming service to the clan such as negotiating a peace treaty with Shara. For awards or deductions greater than three (3), talk to your Watcher. If you do not have a current clan Watcher, mail the Watchers directly for consideration.
  • When you give out qps you must give a valid reason for it. Samples of valid reasons are "for completing the shrubbery quest" or "for teaching Novice Betsy in a roleplay session." Invalid reasons (which we have seen recently) would be "for being cool" or "because I said so".
  • You may not give out qps for items that benefit the clan or yourself. For example, giving out qps for bringing you angreal, shining breastplates put into the clan chest, etc. is not allowed.
  • You may not award qps for things that are automatically awarded via MOBOL. An example is double-awarding for a scalp, when you give qps for someone killing a PC and then that person (or you!) turns in that PC's scalp and effectively gets a double-award.

If you are confused, see your clan Watcher or mail the Watchers as a whole. Consistent abuse of the abilities entrusted to Council members can, and most likely will, result in some seriously bad juju from the Watchers as a whole.

We want you to have fun. Just follow the rules in place.


