
This official news post is copied verbatim from the WoTMUD website. It is copyrighted by wotmud.org.

This update was added on May 29 2019 by Elysia.

A weapons collector has arrived in the lands (Lugard and Lockshear), who will pay in turn points (tps) for all unique weapons (minus gold and silver stilettos currently) and all craftable rares.

There are various tiers, where craftable rares and certain uniques yield less tps than items such as Kirukan or Laman's.

Additionally, the cleaver of steel, Blight Killer and heartstone spear that were previously loading in Hinderstap have been made rentable again and will be loaded somewhere, by someone in the near future.

We're hoping that if people will turn in these uniques if they aren't going to play them. Perhaps that way checking for unique activity will be less time consuming. If not, something will have to give wrt the monthly time spent checking for activity.

(Sep 2 2019)

This mob will now take "a gleaming blacksword" as well and award 150 tps.
