This official news post is copied verbatim from the WoTMUD website. It is copyrighted by
At the criers in most major cities and Emond's Field, I've installed a bit of mobol that deals with basic things for newbies:
- How renting works, including exact spams to the nearest rent.
- How banks work, including exact spams to the nearest bank.
- How lights work, and where to get them.
- Practices, with exact spams to practice trainers provided they do not wander.
- A pointer to the nearest good statting grounds, provided they are near the city.
- Making money, including crier quests, fishing etc.
- Some general tips, like what a *redname* or *purplename* means, the tip to "listen all" etc.
This triggers when someone says "help". It triggers regardless of level, though I may change that.
If you do happen to see a true newbie, you can always refer them to the criers for a bit of basic help and instruct them how to trigger this.
In some cities, the specific room was already full so I had to cut some things.