This official news post is copied verbatim from the WoTMUD website. It is copyrighted by
Love the Wheel of Time? Have a talent for writing? Want to get in on the ground floor of the behind-the-scenes work that makes Wheel of Time MUD one of the more popular MUDs in our genre? Then we want to talk to you!
We are now taking applications for the position of BUILDER. Applicants should make their application via group mail to ZONE ADMIN, be titled BUILDER APPLICATION, and completely answer the following:
- Your name and a complete list of all mortals you own or have played.
- Why you want to be a Builder for the Wheel of Time MUD.
- List any experience you have with any other MUD, including any Staff positions you hold on those MUDs.
- Write five (5) completely different and varied room descriptions, including keywords for special objects or things to look at.
- Explain your favorite landmark, city, or general area as described in the Wheel of Time series. Why does this area appeal to you as a reader?
- Explain your favorite landmark, city, or general area currently in the Wheel of Time MUD. Why does this area appeal to you as a player?
- Write a description and general background for a new mob. What does it look like, what does it wear, what does it do, and what is its roleplay reason for existence or background? (Please do not write up a mob that does not fit with our current timeline, or rewrite an existing mob description.)
- Write a description for a new object. What does it look like, what does it do, what is its roleplay reason for existence? (Please do not write up an unique object from the books.)
- Include your time zone and your usual playing/availability schedule.
- Tell us anything you would like to add that you don't think is covered in this list.
Applications can be submitted now through Sunday, March 28th. The Zone Administration Staff will review your application and make their decisions around or before Sunday, April 4th. Please do not ask Immortals about your application, its status, etc. There are only a select few spots to be filled, and not all applicants will be accepted.
We look forward to the current round of applications!