
This official news post is copied verbatim from the WoTMUD website. It is copyrighted by wotmud.org.

This update was added on January 5 2005 by Flash.


I am trying to come up with a list of some coding assignments for those who have volunteered to help. I have two thus far:

1. I need a program, something built on top of something like 'expect', that in essence 'tests' the mud. I envision having one shell script kick off 200 'expect' programs, that all connect to the MUD as a particular class of char that we have precreated (ie like warriortest and roguetest), with passwords known to us, that get loaded up with eq, and go off into the wild and do all sorts of automated things. Basically, they're bots. They test functionality. They do a create food, and see if they get the right responses from the game, and have the right obj created. They try to kill each other using bash or kick or spells. They try to kill mobs. They try to test various mobol. etc. This project could involve 3 to 4 people to work as a team creating all the scripts and tests, which I can then use to help find problems in the mud - both existing and into the future.

2. I need someone to help out with some web security related matters, testing, proposing fixes, etc. Topic to be discussed with specific people who are interested. Knowledge of HTML, HTTP, POST, forms, etc.

I will be on the MUD Friday at 2 PM US Paficic time to discuss the above two items with whatever people show up that are interested (many previously mailed me their qualifications). Sorry for the short notice - hopefully those of you who mailed me, or some subset of you, will read this post

Maybe by then I will also have come up with some other coding work as well...

