This official news post is copied verbatim from the WoTMUD website. It is copyrighted by
Somewhere, in Andor, many years ago.
The boy had been shut out of the shabby home. He and his father sat on a small bench outside, mending a horse harness that had seen better days. Cries of pain came from within the hut, along with the muffled voice of the Wisdom. Soon, another cry joined in, much weaker. Not long after, the door opened and the Wisdom came out, drying her hands.
Nodding at the father, she said, "A fine girl she is."
Then the Wisdom turned to the boy and said, "Hello Felix. You will be a good brother, won't you, boy? Teach your little sister well."
For the Summer of... series, a temporary smob has been put in. She can load every weapon class, plus the basic equipment of every standard setup on %.
She roams the zones that form the skeleton of the game. Note that, to keep her from one-shotting newbies and lower levels, she will only aggro on % and only if you're over a certain level. She is not considered inno, however.