This official news post is copied verbatim from the WoTMUD website. It is copyrighted by
Hey all,
I've been around a bit more lately, so I figured it was time for me to post.
Before, I pretty much was the goalie of the game - I caught everything that wasn't getting done by other immortals. Whether this was being involved at various amounts in over 15 (often immless) clans, fixing bugs for almost all clans, doing masterquests for every non-Darksider who asked, doing LANpermissions, doing Scalpawards, being available for questions etc.
It was too much. Now can you see why I have always refused to have anything to do with DS? If I got those people asking me things too, argh! I could be on 1-2 hours a day, every day, and still not run out of items on my to-do list. Volunteering is nice and rewarding at times, but when you get completely bogged down in minor stuff that is 99% of your work, that simply kills any energy to do things that actually are fun and rewarding. Keeping a semblance of a neat to-do list is work, not fun. ;)
Over the past weeks I have been finishing the items that were still on my to-do list since June/July last year. In the future, I will be cutting down on clans I am involved in.
As of now, I will be keeping the following clans: -the Red Eagles -Morat'torm -Morat'raken -continue as the Seanchan coordinator -the Blue Ajah
This actually resembles the old school normal imm load.
I realize this means that players in some clans will end up missing out in some ways and I am sorry for that. However, in a game where there are a handful of sufficiently trained imms for dozens of clans, at some point we have to make a choice. I'm making mine now.
I will still do master quests for people in not-my-clans if I have the time, as well as any Staff related matters for individual players (character retrievals etc). I will go through the Bugs forum and LAN/Scalpawards if needed. I will not be as involved on Balance forum anymore, because being blamed for things I'm oblivious about makes me want to murder anyone who posts. Anything that is not directly related to my clans will not be a priority and there will be no guarantee I will be getting to any of these.
Finally, a thank you to Tlaloc who leapt into the masterquests hole I left behind like a terrier.