
This official news post is copied verbatim from the WoTMUD website. It is copyrighted by wotmud.org.

This update was added on June 25 2003 by Doyn.

It has come attention to the RP staff that people are whining and moaning after people defend innocent players and characters. Mainly being people who like to kill other people. They have been known to say things like....

I am going to tell the imms on you!

I am going to get you declanned!

I am going make you lose qps!

If you don't stop, I am telling!

First and foremost this crap stops now. The warrant rules are an IC function and needs to be handled IC. That means you don't jibber-jabber back and forth. If you feel you have been wronged you mail the clan and the clan head. You do not mail an imm directly complaining. This is handled IC. Not through stupid and petty OOC threats.

Just keep in mind, that if we learn that you at any point tried to threaten justice members and defenders with stuff similar to the above, you completely invalidate any claim you may have. You want something done about it, you handle in character through the proper progression and means.


And to clear up a few other points with warrants...

1) People can assist and rescue the innocent (unless doing so is prohibited by local law) without much fear of being in the wrong. Keep in mind that you shouldn't be chasing them across four nations or warranting them for such (unless the offense came within your justice zones). Rule of thumb, since most of this happens in town zones, chase them out of town and drop it there. Stay and protect the town for their return if you want and when it is all safe, feel free to report it to the proper authorities.

2) You cannot warrant someone by your nation for crimes against another nation.

3) You cannot warrant someone by your nation for crimes crimes committed in the wild/nonnation soil/etc.

For those who claim the warrant rules are too restricting, welcome to how lawfulness works. A life of crime is easy, until you get caught. That is when the law is suppose to work.


PS Personally I am tired of the first part of this post happening. There are a few common murderers that will soon be hunted by a certain bounty hunter if I hear about it again. And yes you can be a common murderer even if you do it with only one want flag. There are two people especially right now who have been killing people they should not who will get it if they sneeze wrong.
