This official news post is copied verbatim from the WoTMUD website. It is copyrighted by
With mobs having a maximum amount of mobol they can contain, some clans were listed as possible treaty options, but the affirmation/ annulment didn't actually work because I ran out of space.
If you want to make an official declaration, the mobol will now summon TWO registrars. One for affirmation of treaties, one of annulment of treaties. Doubling up space like a pro, so to speak. ;)
The purpose of this exercise is because I will be making a change to gambler quests. It's really very hard to make generic, works-for-all-LS-clans quests, whereas it's easy to make localized quests with the local rp. Thus, the whole thing will be revamped, or essentially going back to its roots: every nation gets a quest issuer mob, which is how gambler quests originally started out. The previous complaint of "my Aes Sedai/ *oL/ Borderguard will not take orders from a Sword and Hand/ Companion/ Lion Warden/ etc." will be negated by the fact that it will be tied in to politics.
It won't be as intricate as the Game of Houses (eh, it's mobol), but there will be a palpable gain to being on friendly terms. The amount of qps one will be able to earn from gambler quests will depend on whether one has a treaty with a group, or not. It's not inconceivable that the Tower would assist a Companion if there is the rpish base of a "treaty" construction with some quid pro quo going on.
For those clans that aren't tied to a nation, maybe they will have to opt for other bargaining chips than ability to issue master mobs at their home area to gain the privilege of greater qps.
On the upside, this means that I'm -finally- working on my Aug 2018 to-do list item that is: gambler quests. That I had been actively staring at since February to no effect. :? So also consider this your heads up for doing them if you hadn't!
I'll post an update when the whole gambler quest system gets put topsy turvy.