
This official news post is copied verbatim from the WoTMUD website. It is copyrighted by wotmud.org.

This update was added on August 21 2002 by Aennor.

A clan master, council member or any leader in a position to award quest points to anyone may award 3 qps maximum for a task and tasks may not be done more than once by the same person.

You may not task someone for an item that indirectly or directly benefits you or anyone else. In other words there will be no questing for equipment if the equipment is to be worn or if there exists a reward for anyone for this item. You may not task someone or be tasked to retrieve an item if it is a quest/reward item for anyone else. This includes both items and scalps. Specific examples include but are not limited to: Putting gear in chest - no rewards. Obtaining an item and handing it to the clan NPC leader - rewardable.

You are specifically prohibited from awarding quest points for an item obtained by another that is worth quest points for you or anyone else. An example of this would be a group involved in a kill of a high profile character. There is a scalp that can be split (more mobs will be added) and sometimes master weapons if the quest points are to be spread around. No further awards are allowed.

Specifically stated, (but not limited to) the rewards for PK are scalps. If the rewards for PK is to be split then the scalps must be split. No other qps will be awarded.

The rules for deduction of quest points are similar. The responsible party may deduct up to 3 qps for various things. Like quest point awards, there should never be two punishments for the same thing. Times will arrise when the deduction of more than three is warranted. Talk with your clan Imm about this.

Any exceptions to these rules are to have prior approval by the clan Imm. If there are any questions you are encouraged to ask your clan Imm before any actions are taken or else the loophole revocation rule (type: help rules) will apply and punishment given to all parties involved.
