
This official news post is copied verbatim from the WoTMUD website. It is copyrighted by wotmud.org.

This update was added on January 8 2007 by Nass.

Please be aware that over the next few days and weeks, all clans will start seeing some adjustment to the qp values that scalps, bits etc offer. Without mentioning specific amounts, this will probably take the form of a set reward for PK scalps gained in what we consider are that clan's "areas of responsibility", with some lesser reward for other areas. We're aware that the mapping of area => scalp isn't perfect, and we'll hopefully manage to update this as part of this process.

This lessening of "PK" rewards has already been accompanied by a prior upping of "RP" awards in the form of many new quests, as announced at https://web.archive.org/web/20071219220134/http://...wotmud.org/forums/viewtopic.php?type=0&topic=110042&forum=10 Also, as usual, additional RP awards can also be gained in consultation with your Watcher, in whatever form he/she prefers to see logs of specific roleplaying.
