
This official news post is copied verbatim from the WoTMUD website. It is copyrighted by wotmud.org.

This update was added on February 16 2004 by Maddoc.

The Dark Council and Minion process are being dissolved in two weeks time.

The Minion process is not working, there are over 300 Minions clanned. As the Dark Council's primary role is to administer over the Minion clan, it is no longer necessary. Their secondary role of policing the Dark side is now up to the trolloc clans, and ultimately, the Chosen.

Each clan will be responsible for determining the requirements for and the methods of clanning. Each clan will need to discuss the issue and relay their decision to their clan immortal, preferably within the next two weeks.

All current Minions are encouraged to do what they can with the time remaining in order to reach the current requirements for clanning.
