
This official news post is copied verbatim from the WoTMUD website. It is copyrighted by wotmud.org.

This update was added on March 10 2004 by Doyn.

Last year we took a needed move to eliminate unecessary wars and abuse within those wars. It effectively and efficiently succeeded in what the Watcher's staff wanted to eliminate.

Since then some other policies have been introduced that effect clans with regards to jurisdictions and jurisdictional rewards along with some solid reasoning behind proper warranting and justice in general.

Because of that, the minimal quest point levels that are currently used in war time is being changed. Effective immediately, during war time, all opposition taken down will be rewarded the same as if a criminal of the state was taken down. That means the quest points now go up to that level. Also with this, their is a +1 qp bonus for the death of a council member or clan master.

However with this, you MUST remember the following points:

1) Any war a clan wishes to declare must be approved and ratified by the head of the clan (meaning clan imm through the head mob)

2) All existing rules on proper warranting procedures and reasoning are still in place. Which means they must commit a warrantable offense to receive a warrant. Which also means one must remember rules on attacking someone not warranted.

3) Any warring clan is responsible for the trouble they cause when infringing in other nations and jurisdictions. That means during war you are not exempt for laws and other nations can levy punishments if they do not condone of your actions. This is left to the individual clans to act and judge upon.

4) As always no blanket warrants are allowed. As is no equipment return. If you wish to leave it in the corpse, that is your choice, and gives the person a chance to get it back.

Basically, points aside, this means qp rewards for kills in war have increased. The obligation and responsibility for carrying out their actions and cleaning up their own mess is on the clan. If your clan starts a war and pisses off four other nations in the process, basically killing the clan, the clan imm will not step in and save the clan. It will die and dwindle. And that approval of your clan mob is necessary rather than a unilateral decision of a clan master.

If I have not made it clear enough, the impetus is on the clan to make sure they police their own in this time. Failure to do so will most likely result in undesired outcomes and futures.
