This official news post is copied verbatim from the WoTMUD website. It is copyrighted by
Seems like we are using a bit too much bandwidth so we are looking at various options and measuring our consumption right now.
Because the mud is being hosted courtesy of a business, we may have to take down the mud or the forums unexpectedly during business hours EST if we are interfering with their network traffic. So access to the mud site may be intermittent for a while as Flash works things out.
Meanwhile, I am leaving the DM mud up at port 2222, to give you something in case the real mud is down and also to shake out wagons and the new rent. Nothing on the DM mud counts, and rent is currently free. Ask Ewan the mob for help with eq. The DM mud world is only a slice from Falme to EF/Baerlon/Maradon to Stronghold, the rest of the world doesn't exist. All races can play on DM mud.
Please use the 'bug' command on the DM mud to report any bugs you find, especially if you think you've lost eq to crashes or rent.
As for me, I will be out of the country for a week.
Have fun!
Oh, one final tip. Remove your own eq before asking Ewan to issue you anything.
. . . Zun.